Welcome 924 Designers

A collection of websites, blogs and sources of inspiration for your design work created in the design room - 924. Enjoy, Miss de

Friday, April 26, 2013

Magazine Cover designs

A whole range of different covers including this one that you analysed Year 11's.

Lives Remembered - Washington Post Magazine December 2012 cover. Art Director: Beth Broadwater

Cover Junkie

42 absolutely stunning magazine covers


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Public Theatre Posters

Victoria and Albert Museum - London

History of Theatre Posters and Links to the examples in their collection

 Public Theatre Posters - Paula Scher and Pentagram Design Studio


Voice Design - Adelaide

State Theatre Company



Frost design - Sydney


By the way...Public Theatre is also an organisation in New York

Monday, January 31, 2011

Designer Spotlight: Michael Bierut

"Michael (Bierut) has built his career on making himself, his work, his personality, his opinions, available and in the process has become one of the best known and most well regarded designers in the world." (http://facingsideways.wordpress.com/2010/04/08/interview-with-michael-bierut/)

Bierut hosts his own blog: http://www.designobserver.com/ as well as being a partner in Pentagram's New York office. An internationally accaclamimed designer, he has done work for Harley-Davidson, The Walt Disney Company, Motorola, and the New York Jets in addition to having his work housed in permanent design collections in New York and Montreal. (http://www.designobserver.com/author.html?author=1047)

Saks 5th Avenue Bag re-design

poster for Yale's School of Architecture

His style uses many of the classic swiss style techniques and is influenced by his 10 years working for Massimo Vignelli where he learnt formalism—the rules, the grid. His work often uses cut-off type and has a humour or wit, like his “Scale” poster with the great big circle and the small word scale.
Paula Scher for the Art Directors Club Hall of Fame 2003(http://www.adcglobal.org/archive/hof/2003/?id=197

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Creatica is a showcase community from Envato that includes links to business cards, logos, posters, mobile interfaces, wallpapers etc.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010